Tag Archives for 64 Bit Processors

Microsoft’s Hyper-V Performance — Introduction

If you are interested in the performance of Microsoft’s Hyper-V virtualization solution, Mark Friedman, our Founder and CTO,  recently put Microsoft’s Hyper-V virtualization technology through its paces, subjecting it to a series of CPU and memory stress tests. These tests are similar to the ones he used to evaluate the performance of VMware ESX  to help […]

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Can I use the published clock speed in MHZ of the processor reliably as a relative speed rating?

For back-of-the-envelop capacity planning, it is nice to have a relative speed rating for various processors. You would like to be able to say with confidence that a given processor-bound workload running on machine A running at 400 MHz will execute in 1/3 the time on processor B running at 1.2 GHz that is 3 […]

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I’m unable to push a new Data Collection Set (DCS) to a 64 Bit Machine

Situation: Performance Sentry Administration is used to assign Data Collection Sets (DCSs) to machines running the data collection service.  An administrator has two options when assigning data collection sets to machines: The first one is called a Registry DCS and the second a File DCS. The Registry DCS parameters are written to the Registry key: […]

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